Note from Mrs. Strong 2/7/19

We can't believe we are already half way through the year.  It seems like yesterday, we were welcoming students to a new school year.  As students reflect on the first part of their year and set goals to finish the year strong, take time to recognize them for their accomplishments and celebrate the wonderful things that they have done.  Your child is now 6 months older and is experiencing things at a different level.  As they grow older, think about how their physical, social, emotional, language and cognitive development affects how they navigate their lives at home, school and in the community. Consider a quick read by Chip Wood called Yardsticks, Children in the Classroom Ages 4-12.  

Safe Dismissal Procedures

Thank you for adhering to safe arrival and dismissal traffic procedures each day at Jeffers Hill.  In some cases we recognize that arrival and dismissal may take longer than usual, however there is no time limit on making sure that our students arrive and dismiss safely.  We recognize your patience and are truly thankful as you help us make our school a safe zone.  

As a reminder, please continue to use the car pool drop-off / pick-up area by pulling up and releasing or picking up your child at the sidewalk.  Placing your child in the seat closest to the sidewalk allows a safer and quicker exit/extrance of the car, therefore allowing the line of cars to move quicker, freeing driving space at Majors Lane.  Additionally, we are asking that you refrain from parking on the opposite side on Majors Lane and J-walking across the street.  Instead, utilze the crossing guard at Tamar and Majors Lane to ensure safe crossing of the street and to provide safe modeling practices for our students.  Again, thank you for following the appropriate legal traffic procedures and partnering with our school to ensure a safe arrival and dismissal.

Emergency Closings

On January 29th, HCPSS had an unexpected 3-hour early dismissal due to inclement weather and on Friday, February 1st we had another unexpected 90 minute early dismissal. On exciting days like these, we need your help!  Please take time to review and update as needed your Family File for Emergency Closings.  In addition, take a few minutes to review your plan with your child so that they are comforted in knowing how they will get home.  In some cases, students get nervous about unexpexted changes to their schedule.  

Below, please access the guide to update your unscheduled closing procedure.  Your child(ren)'s safety is of our utmost concern. Thank you.

Click here for directions:

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Parent/Teacher conferences are an extremely valuable opportunity to talk directly to the teacher(s) of your child/children. This winter, conferences are available to you during a window of time from February 14th & 15th. While the exact availability times for each teacher may differ, the majority of teachers conference in the afternoons and evenings. Conferences are 20 minutes in length and will be based on the following content areas:

Kindergarten-Fifth Grades: Math

G/T: 5th Grade Math

Howard County Public Schools utilizes the online system HCPSS Connect for scheduling conferences.  Please take time to schedule your conference, as the window for scheduling will close on 2/13.  If you miss the scheduling window, please contact the teacher directly.  To be sure that teachers are adequately prepared, please provide at least 48 hours from the requested time and date.

Click to HCPSS Connect:

If you do not already have an account, you can create one online. If you have an account but forgot your password, you can retrieve it at this site. If you need further assistance, please contact Jeffers Hill main office at (410) 313-6872 and it will be our pleasure to assist you.

Directions for scheduling a conference:

Maisha Strong,