Jaguar Paw News

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JHES Newsletter: April 1, 2022

Para leer este mensaje en español, haga clic aquí.

Upcoming Dates

  • April 1st- Last day of the 3rd quarter!
  • April 1st- JHES Yearbook Deadline–ordering information below. 
  • April 6th- Spring Picture Day!  See below for more information about class, group and individual pictures.
  • April 6th- Last day to order Joe Corbi's to support the 5th grade team
  • April 6th- Kids Heart Challenge, Gymnasium, 3:30-4:45 pm
    • This event is for students that participated in the American Heart Association fundraiser and turned in both permission slips.  Please contact Mrs. Brown ( with any questions. 
  • April 7th- Last day to turn in consent forms for the Smiles Dental Clinic
  • April 8th- Report Cards viewable in HCPSS Connect by 5:00 pm.
  • April 9th- Free Community Event- Egg Hunt sponsored by Bethany Church. See flyer below for more information.
  • April 11th-18th- Spring Break, Schools and Offices Closed
  • April 19th- Last day to register for the PTA STEM program.  See below for more information.
  • April 20th- JHES PTA Meeting via Zoom, 6:00 pm
  • April 22nd- Smiles Mobile Dental Clinic at Jeffers Hill
  • April 27th- Schools and offices close 3 hours early–12:30 pm
  • April 27th- PTA Information and Virtual Trivia Night for parents/caregivers, 6:30-7:30 via Zoom

Students Observing Ramadan
Ramadan begins this weekend and extends through May 2nd.  As Ramadan is a time when some Muslims fast from dawn to sunset as part of their observance, we understand that we may have students not partaking in food or water during the school day.  In an effort to be supportive to the needs of our students, students are welcome to spend their lunch period in the Media Center if they choose not to join their peers in the cafeteria. Please let your child’s teacher or the front office know if you would like your child to access this space. Should your student require additional support or accommodations during Ramadan, please reach out to Mrs. Strong and Mrs. Golden. For all those celebrating Ramadan, we hope it is a rich and meaningful month for you.

Tentative Last Day of School
As of Wednesday, March 16, 2022, HCPSS has used four inclement weather days this school year and made up one of those days by opening schools February 21. As such, the last day for pre-K/RECC students is currently Tuesday, June 14, and for K-12 students is Friday, June 17, 2022. Full details on the calendar are available online.

Yearbook Ordering Information- Deadline April 1st

If you have any issues trying to complete your order please call Strawbridge Studios Customer Service @866-624-6229

Support Team 5 and Stock your Freezer with Joe Corbis!
Our 5th grade team is raising money to make the end of the year special for 5th grade students as they move on to middle school.  If you would like to support their fundraising efforts, please follow the steps below.

  • Go to
  • Click on Shop
  • Participant code 552616
  • Either ship to school or FedEx (fee)

 Last day for orders is Wednesday, April 6th. 
Thanks for supporting Team 5! Please email Mrs. Costley, 5th grade paraeducator, with questions. (
Smiles Dental Clinic- Consent forms due by April 7th
This is a reminder that Jeffers Hill will be having a dental clinic on April 22nd.  Please kindly return consent forms to the health room by next Thursday, April 7th.  Please email Mrs. Hospedales ( with any questions.
PTA Spring STEM Program


PTA Trivia Night and Infomation Session for Parents and Caregivers
Our PTA is hosting an information session and trivia night for parents and caregivers interested in learning more about the PTA on Wednesday, April 27 from 6:30-7:30. The event will be virtual and an opportunity for the JHES parent and caregiver community to learn more about the PTA board, its activities, and ways to engage.
Daily Attendance Reminders
Please send all absence notes to We are requesting that you do not send paper copies at this time.
Please include the following in your email:

  • Student’s First AND Last Name
  • Grade
  • Date(s) of absence
  • Reason for the absence (we cannot excuse an absence without a reason)

Chromebook Tips from the Media Center
When charging your Chromebook, the preferred charging side is actually the right side without the blue light. You can take turns charging your Chromebook on different sides, but try to use the right side more often. Turn your Chromebook off every now and then to let it rest.

When you run into tech issues- there is an entire module you have access to: (Links to an external site.) Some of the module pages we refer to the most when troubleshooting are System Errors, Audio and Video Challenges, and Browser Tune Up. Here you can find ways to refresh, reset, reset Chrome, and check your mic! We recommend bookmarking this page for easy access.

Please also remember to care for your Chromebook as you are now responsible for its upkeep. You should not be placing any stickers on your device, nor should you be using it while eating or drinking. Be sure not to store it in direct sunlight or extreme temperatures. This device will follow you throughout your time with HCPSS, so be sure to give it some love!


Virtual Academic Supports through Evening School
The virtual academic support being provided through the Evening School Program will conclude for this school year on April 7. 


Free Community Event sponsored by Bethany Church

Please note: the event below is neither sponsored nor endored by HCPSS or JHES.