Do you have questions about your child's Art, Media, Music, PE, and/or Technology classes? This Wednesday, November 11th, from 6:00-6:30, our Jeffers Hill Related Arts Team will be available during the first 30 minutes of the PTA meeting for a question and answer session. Please stop by and ask any questions you have about any of the virtual Related Arts classes. If you don't have any questions, we encourage you to drop into the session to share feedback and learn from the questions that other parents may ask.
Since our PTA meets virtually using the Zoom platform, you do not need to log in using your child's username and password.
All parents and caregivers are encouraged and invited to join! You do not need to be a PTA member. We hope to see you there!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 849 7539 2524
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Meeting ID: 849 7539 2524
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