Parent Info

  • Distance Learning Guidelines for Parents/Guardians: Regarding Distance Learning Privacy Guidelines, this information was shared in the April 21 Community Message from the superintendent, please review:

    To maintain a positive, productive learning environment and assure confidentiality for students and teachers during distance learning, all parents/guardians are asked to follow the following privacy guidelines.

    • Google Meet virtual check-ins are designed for students. To prevent disruptions to the learning environment, parents/guardians should not actively participate in check-in sessions, although parents may assist their child with technology and/or remain nearby.
    • Do not video record, audio record, photograph, live stream, or transmit in any other way any part of a Google Meet virtual check-in, including not posting on any social media platform.
    • Any confidential or personally identifiable information related to students participating during Google Meet virtual check-ins should not be collected, discussed or shared.  
    • Parents should not engage with students during Google Meet virtual check-ins. If you need to speak with your child during a check-in session, first mute your child’s microphone.
    • If a parent/guardian has a question, please email your child’s teacher.

    Please contact your child’s principal with any questions or concerns regarding privacy or virtual classroom visitation expectations.